Upon purchasing a package or voucher or using a credit or discount code you agree to abide by these important terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
Expiry of Credits, Package or Voucher
Each package or voucher will have an expiry date listed during purchase. In the case that there is no expiry listed, the following expiry dates will apply:
Treatment or Class Packs & Vouchers: 6 months from the date of purchase.
Dollar Value Gift Vouchers: 24 months from the date of purchase.
- Expiry dates are unable to be extended under any circumstances. Please ensure you are aware of the expiry date of your package purchased. If you are not able to find it, please contact us via phone or email.
- Massage 3 x packs have a 60 day expiry from date of purchase, Massage 5 x packs: 90 days from date of purchase, and Massage 10 x packs: 180 days from date of purchase.
Transfer of Credits, Packages or Vouchers
- Packages purchased must be used exclusively by a single purchasing client for only the services in the package.
- Credit or treatment vouchers will become exclusive to a client once they are first used. You are unable to share or transfer credits or treatment vouchers once they are designated to an individuals account.
- Credits either from a package or otherwise are only able to be used by the client whose account holds the credit.
- You are unable to transfer credits from Packages to services outside of the Package.
- Credits, Packages & Vouchers are non-refundable or redeemable for anything other than their designated service.
Treatment Cancellation Policy
- The use of vouchers or credits towards treatments are subject to the Selph’s cancellation policy advised via email at the time of booking.
- All treatments and classes at Selph Health Studios have a 100% 24 hour cancellation or change fee. If you cancel or change your booking within this period your credit or voucher will be debited by 100% of your treatment or class booked.
Discount Offers
- Discount offers are unable to be used in combination with any packages, nor in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.
- Discount will only apply to full priced services.
- Selph reserves the right to rescind any discount codes or offers without notice.
- Unless otherwise stated, discount codes do not include services offered by Leanne Magoulias, and may only be applicable on selected services whether stated explicitly or not.
- The appointment type of “Initial Consultation” does not encompass any Massage services.
- Massage discount vouchers are valid for 1hr+ massages unless otherwise stated.
- Any new client offers or referral discounts apply only to clients who have not attended any services at Selph Health Studios.
- Offers cannot be applied retrospectively on bookings that are already made. For an offer to apply, it must be inputted online and at the time of booking without exception.