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Learn how to use your breath to lead each movement, activate your core, and…
Ground your presence as you ground your body with a series of standing balancing…
Enjoy this yin class with poses to release tension through and around your lower…
A full body circuit to build up a strong back link in your body,…
This yin practice layers poses from the lower to the upper body starting with…
Tune into a steady rhythm of your breath to enhance your yoga poses.
Exercise your legs all over and work your butt in this class to build…
Open your heart and hips, strengthen your shoulders so you are ready, willing, and…
Strengthening Pilates class with very little load bearing on your wrists moving through core,…
Move through your upper body lung meridian to release habitual tension in chest, upper…
Awaken the mobility of your spine with side bends, backbends, forward folds and twists…
Stretch out across the chest and into the arms and shoulders to nourish the…
Build resilience as you work through every muscle in this dynamic paced class.
Play with different variations of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon Pose), to decompress your…
Increase your coordination between body and mind as you build strength in arms and…
Flow between strength and flexibility in this dynamic sequence to open the shoulders and…
Move through grounding poses and magnetise your body to the earth element of steadiness…
A full body, three round circuit that will get you down, up and around…
Super charge a sense of acceptance, joy and courage as you clear out stagnation…
Move through a slower paced practice filled with awareness on activating the core and…
Release the inner and outer edges of your hips and increase mobility in all…