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Yoga Evolve - Dynamic Breath Movement
60 Mins

Learn how to use your breath to lead each movement, activate your core, and…

Yoga Refine - Be Here Now
45 Mins

Ground your presence as you ground your body with a series of standing balancing…

Georgie Brooks
Calm (Yin) - Lower Back Love
45 Mins

Enjoy this yin class with poses to release tension through and around your lower…

Steph Lewis
Pilates Circuit - Posterior Chain Circuit
Higher Intensity
30 Mins

A full body circuit to build up a strong back link in your body,…

Karina Hancock-Bukvic
Calm (Yin) - Build It Up
60 Mins

This yin practice layers poses from the lower to the upper body starting with…

Yoga Refine - Breath & Movement
45 Mins

Tune into a steady rhythm of your breath to enhance your yoga poses.

Pilates Dynamic - Leg Work
45 Mins

Exercise your legs all over and work your butt in this class to build…

Karina Hancock-Bukvic
Yoga Evolve - Wild Thing
45 Mins

Open your heart and hips, strengthen your shoulders so you are ready, willing, and…

Steph Lewis
Pilates Align - Off Your Wrists
30 Mins

Strengthening Pilates class with very little load bearing on your wrists moving through core,…

Fanny Kuhn
Calm (Yin) - Open Up
45 Mins

Move through your upper body lung meridian to release habitual tension in chest, upper…

Yoga Evolve - Move Your Spine
45 Mins

Awaken the mobility of your spine with side bends, backbends, forward folds and twists…

Calm (Yin) - Soften Your Heartspace
60 Mins

Stretch out across the chest and into the arms and shoulders to nourish the…

Steph Lewis
Pilates Dynamic - Strength Inside & Out
30 Mins

Build resilience as you work through every muscle in this dynamic paced class.

Fanny Kuhn
Yoga Refine - King Pigeon Play
45 Mins

Play with different variations of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon Pose), to decompress your…

Georgie Brooks
Pilates Align - Muscle Mind Connect
30 Mins

Increase your coordination between body and mind as you build strength in arms and…

Fanny Kuhn
Yoga Evolve - Shoulders & Hips
60 Mins

Flow between strength and flexibility in this dynamic sequence to open the shoulders and…

Yoga Balance - Grounded Seat
45 Mins

Move through grounding poses and magnetise your body to the earth element of steadiness…

Pilates Circuit - Down, Up & Around
Higher Intensity
30 Mins

A full body, three round circuit that will get you down, up and around…

Karina Hancock-Bukvic
Calm (Yin) - Sense, Stretch, Surrender
45 Mins

Super charge a sense of acceptance, joy and courage as you clear out stagnation…

Yoga Refine - Twists & Core
45 Mins

Move through a slower paced practice filled with awareness on activating the core and…

Yoga Evolve - Figure Four Flow
45 Mins

Release the inner and outer edges of your hips and increase mobility in all…

Steph Lewis