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Yoga Refine - Salute the Sun
45 Mins

Sun salutations and pelvic alignment tips and tricks.

Nicole Orzecki
Meditation - Mantra Meditation
20 Mins

Settle into stillness with movement and breath to be consumed with the mantra OM.

Georgie Brooks
Pilates Circuit - Work It All
Higher Intensity
45 Mins

Three rounds of fun working through exercises to activate arms, deep core, and the…

Georgie Brooks
Yoga Refine - Happy Hips
60 Mins

Understand the range of external rotation in your hips with some standing poses to…

Georgie Brooks
Yoga Refine - Ready & Steady
60 Mins

Learn how to build a strong base from the ground up to take you…

Amy Giuliano
Meditation - Ground in Gratitude
10 Mins

Take awareness to the heart to breathe space and gratitude into the body.

Kadee Hollis
Balance - Hip Flexors & Hamstrings
60 Mins

Move through a slow flow, then settle into deep yin stretches to create space…

Steph Lewis
Meditation - Be Here Now
10 Mins

Short meditation to bring your into the present moment of ‘here and now’. 

Steph Lewis
Pilates Dynamic - Versatility of Movement
45 Mins

A full body workout, building layers within the same movement.

Fanny Kuhn
Yoga Evolve - Practice Play
60 Mins

Lean on the creative energy in your body to feel energised and feather light….

Kadee Hollis
Calm (Yin) - Soothe Your Mind
60 Mins

Soothe your mind and settle stress in your body by releasing tension in hips…

Steph Lewis
Fusion Flow - Shoulder Strength
Higher Intensity
20 Mins

Upper body focused flow stabilizing shoulders.

Nicole Orzecki
Yoga Refine - Build to Balance
60 Mins

Build strength in your Warrior 2 and increase stability in standing balances.

Georgie Brooks
Pilates Align - Body Control
45 Mins

Slower movements, increased control, longer sequences to challenge the basics. 

Fanny Kuhn
Yoga Evolve - Inversions & Arm Balance
60 Mins

Alignment based flow prepares the body for Pincha Mayurasana using the wall.

Nicole Orzecki
Fusion Flow - Leg Day
Higher Intensity
60 Mins

Fun workout to develop strength & tone for the legs and glutes.

Nicole Orzecki
Yoga Refine - Rise & Align
60 Mins

A steady, grounding class, building strength from your centre to find stability in your…

Steph Lewis
Yoga Evolve - Breathe into Space.
60 Mins

Use your breath to create space and freedom as you flow through transitions in…

Kadee Hollis
Calm (Yin) - Wall Yin
60 Mins

Settle into the support of the wall with standing and seated postures to soften…

Steph Lewis
Yoga Evolve - Time for Creativity
60 Mins

45min asana, 15min meditation. Diverse and creative sequences to awaken and move stagnant energy….

Nicole Orzecki
Live Pilates Dynamic - Full Body Burn
45 Mins

A full body workout, focusing on a nice butt and ab burn.

Karina Hancock-Bukvic