While the unpredictability of the world around us can make setting intentions seem a little futile, it’s more important than ever to remain connected to our goals and vision for the future with a degree of flexibility for when life throws us a curve ball.
Our guide for setting intentions starts with a deeply restorative yin yoga sequence to help land you into a space of clarity and calm. From here, answer our intention setting prompts to help you consider what you want to call in for the New Year.
Yoga Calm (Yin) – Central Knowing
With Amy G – 45min
Before sitting down to set your intentions, it’s important to move your body; releasing any stagnant energy and letting go of old patterns and emotions that no longer serve you.
This Yin practice will squeeze and stretch around the lower abdominal and lower spine region to deeply nourish your innate sense of being. The Manipura center is located at the naval and is associated with inner confidence and knowing, so we can easily follow our intuition to choose the best path to take in order to thrive.
Not only will this class release compression through the belly and back, but it will start to stimulate your inner radiance so it can shine brighter in the world.
Grab a bolster or some cushions and get cosy.
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Prompts for setting intentions in 2022:
- How can you honour and integrate all that you learnt about yourself in 2021?
- How can you make space for growth and expansion whilst being grateful for where you are?
- In what ways can you set clearer boundaries to protect your mental and emotional health?
- How can you create more space and time in your day to simply just ‘be’?
- What rituals or modalities can you begin to integrate in order to cultivate more present moment awareness?
Need a little extra guidance with intention setting or creating new healthy habits?
Explore our 1:1 Meditation Package with Movement Director and Samvahan Practitioner Amy G to help you feel more grounded, calm and balanced in the every day.